"The noblest task of a university is to encourage its students in the disinterested and relentless search for truth" - so said the Archbishop of York in 1953. But the search for truth doesn't necessarily lead to a job and could land today's students in debt until their fifties, so what is the point of university in double-dip Britain?
As students in England anticipate their A' level results tomorrow, Quentin Letts canvasses the views of people within and beyond the ivory towers about the value of a university education. Is it becoming purely a means to an economic goal, a route to a better job, or is it an end in itself, learning for learning's sake, the true benefits of which cannot be appreciated in advance?
As students in England anticipate their A' level results tomorrow, Quentin Letts canvasses the views of people within and beyond the ivory towers about the value of a university education. Is it becoming purely a means to an economic goal, a route to a better job, or is it an end in itself, learning for learning's sake, the true benefits of which cannot be appreciated in advance?
A levelって何?と思ったら、General Certificate of Education, Advanced levelのことで、義務教育が終わる時に受ける全国統一試験のことらしい。日本でセンター試験がニュースになるみたいに、この時期は必ず話題になるようだ。
Quentin Lettsという批評家の番組みたい。前回は「Lord Lieutenant」、次回は「Pub」がテーマ。
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