... backdrop in university applications. Many top universities still advertising places with less than a week to go to the start of term. Is it the 9 thousand pounds tuition fees that are putting students off, I wonder? Is it the fact that it's tougher to get a good grade now? Is it bad for the nation? -the fewer young people are going to university. And that seems to be less effect. Do you think, well maybe that's not such a bad thing - I wonder if maybe if I want to... myself in this, in this position, if you are a student or parents, or just looking back to that time of your life, when you had to make the decision about doing extra education or not. Is it actually worth it?
Here's the fact we learned today. Almost third of Britain's leading universities still have places available. 7 out of 24 institutions in the elite Russell group are still advertising vacancies on more than a thousand courses, days before the start of the academic year. 30,000 fewer students have secured places on course this summer compared with last year. And so there are so naturally, there are suspicions this is all down to the 9 thousand pounds a year tuition fees. Maybe that is what put off many school leavers. Unexpectedly, high level of vacancies British students, but places are likely to go unfilled as well because people have achieved the entry requirements. Fewer people have got the grades that they needed.
So I'd like to hear your... Do you think that... I remember not that long ago, people were out on the streets on behalf of students arguing and Nick Clagg was getting in the neck for this 9 thousand pounds tuition fee, now we can see it would appear that it is having an effect. Certainly, whether that is true or not, there are not as many people are going off degree, going off to study. Are there alternatives of doing degrees well? Haw valuable is going to universities? Do you look into universities now? It's not quite what it used to be?
Let's hear from Wendy Piatt. She is the head of Russell group of universities. Good evening, Wendy.
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