




Essay structure

  • Introductory paragraph
  1. Hook (the topic of the essay)
  2. Building sentences (back ground build towards the thesis statement)
  3. Thesis statement (the essay topic, the writer's position, and the main ideas discussed in the body paragraphs)
  • Body paragraphs
    Each body paragraph explains in detail one of the main ideas expressed in the thesis statement)
  1. Topic sentence (the topic of the paragraph and a controlling idea about the topic)
  2. Supporting sentences
  3. Concluding sentence (with a transition to the next paragraph)
  • Concluding paragraph
  1. Restated thesis
  2. Summary of main ideas (reminder)
  3. Final thought
Plan the body→introduction→body→conclusion

  • answer the question
  • pronouns: use [people/they] instead of [I/you/we]
  • use present perfect to indicate change, especially in the introduction
  • Thesis statement:
    (opinion essay) topic + writer's position + main ideas
    (argument-led essay) I'm going to compare each standpoint/This essay is going to compare A and B→The arguments surrounding A and B will both be discussed and it will be made clear why I believe C.
  • use passive voice (e.g. We can see a good example in A →A good example can be seen in A)
  • use [In conclusion/To sum up/To summarise] to start the conclusion
  • A body paragraph
    -A topic sentence (topic + controlling idea)
    -Supporting sentences (There should all directly support the controlling idea)
  • Firstly, /Secondly, /Lastly
    The first reason why I believe A is it would be .../ The second reason for B is it would.../ The last reason why I think C is...
argument essay approachとopinion essay approachの違いを分かっておくのはポイントかも。白本にタイプ例が詳しく出てたのでここに書いておこう。2つに大まかに分けてみる。

【argument essay】

①Two sides of an argument(議論の2面を論じる)
  • Discuss(討論)
  • Compare/Contrast(比較、対照)
  • Advantage/Disadvantage(有利な点、不利な点)
②Evaluate an argument(議論を評価する)
  • To what extent...?(どの程度?)
  • How important...?(いかに重要か?)
  • What do you think?(あなたはどう考えるか?)
【opinion essay】

③Agree or disagree(賛成か反対かを述べる)
  • Do you agree or disagree? Why?(賛成か、反対か、その理由は?)
  • Explain your position.(あなたの立場を説明せよ)
  • Justify your opinion.(あなたの見解の正当性を述べよ)
④Problem & solution(問題とその解決策を論じる)
  • What can be done to solve...?(解決のために何ができるか?)
  • How can this problem be addressed?(この問題にどう取り組むか?)
  • What challenges and strategies...?(課題と戦略は何か?)
⑤Choose & justify(選択し、それが正しい理由を述べる)
  • Choose and justify your choice(s).(選択し、それが正しいと思う理由を述べよ)
  • Which do you think is...? Why?(どちらが・・・だと考えるか?それはなぜか?)

(2012/10/19 11:05時点)

(2012/10/19 06:25時点)

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