Part 1: personal questions
- Answer the question directly
- Add one extra piece of information
- One opinion/explanation/example/reason to expand
練習例:favourite food, pets, favourite colour, going out, favourite restaurant
Part 2: speech & questions
- 1 minute preparation, 1-2 minutes to describe
- 3W [what, who, when] (30 seconds) and explanation (1 min to 1:20)
- start from punch, speak directly
- notes: keywords to develop ideas
- explanation should be fully developed
練習例:your hobby when you were young
Part 3: general questions & discussion
see method
1) statement (answer)
2) explain
3) example (about yourself/what you see/what you read)
- 5 minutes (1-5 questions)
- statement (an advantage and a disadvantage), explanation (an advantage and a disadvantage), and one example
練習例:being famous (high salary/no privacy), technology which changed our life (skype, smart phone, facebook, tablet computer)
- Any idea is okay
- Be natural (not too casual, not too formal/academic)
- Could you please repeat/rephrase the question?
- Talk to yourself
-How can I put this?
-I've never thought about it before...
-I've never been asked that since I was a child...
-I think I don't have favourite something...
- Cut out filler words (um, ah, hm, er, um)
初回はフランクすぎた気がして、前回はフォーマルすぎた気がして、結局どっちがいいんだろう?と思っていたけど、フォーマルになると話に詰まるからやっぱり明るくtalkativeに行くのがいいんだろう。海外の学生はたいてい積極的にアピールするけど、日本人はおとなしすぎるからね。前のめりくらいがちょうどいい?とにかく話し続けることかしら。ある先生はa glass of wineを勧めるんだって!直前に何をやってもそんなに変わらないから、よく寝て新聞でも読んだら?とのこと。ライティングもそうだけど、アイディアのストックが大事なのよね。Wish me luck!